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Como funciona a VPN

Para entender como o AdGuard VPN funciona, você deve primeiro entender os princípios gerais do serviço VPN.

Recursos da VPN

A VPN is a virtual private network that helps hide your location and protect your data on the Web. Uma VPN conecta um computador ou dispositivo móvel a um servidor VPN e usa o endereço IP desse servidor para fazer parecer a um observador externo que você está em outro lugar. Isso permite que você acesse com segurança vários recursos da Internet e proteja seus dados pessoais.

Dessa forma, uma VPN executa duas funções importantes:

  1. Maintaining anonymity

    Using an Internet connection, the user leaves their digital footprint, which can then be analyzed and used by third parties. For example, one of the online stores that you have visited can save your search history and then offer you their products based on it through targeted advertising. Or the secret services, having learned your location through the IP address of your device and having determined your identity, can secretly monitor your activity on the web. In addition, web browsers and ISPs themselves can use your browsing history for their own purposes, as well as sell it to advertisers and provide it to government institutions. VPN allows you to hide your IP address and replace it with the IP address of the VPN server to which you are connected. This way you will be able to maintain your privacy and anonymously search for information on the web.

  2. Data protection

    If you connect to an unreliable or public network, the data on your device may become vulnerable to cybercriminals. Detalhes do cartão bancário, nomes de usuário e senhas, dados do passaporte — todos esses dados podem ser interceptados por fraudadores online. The VPN tunnel encrypts the information you send to and receive from the Web, making it useless in the wrong hands.

Estrutura VPN

Quando você se conecta a uma rede, seu computador ou dispositivo móvel recebe um número de identificação exclusivo ou endereço IP. Geralmente consiste em números de 0 a 255, separados por pontos ou dois pontos. Conhecendo essa sequência, pode-se determinar a geolocalização do dispositivo. The IP address is usually assigned by your ISP, and it will be visible all the way to the desired resource. Por esse motivo, o servidor web do site que você está visitando pode registrar seu endereço IP e registrar as solicitações. Este registro pode então ser utilizado principalmente para coleta de dados e análise do tráfego.

A VPN creates a tunnel between your device and the VPN server. Your data goes through this tunnel, gets encrypted and then enters the open Internet in a secure form. The web server therefore registers the IP address of the endpoint of the tunnel, meaning the VPN server, and thus not the device's real IP address. Thus, the site that you get to after passing through the VPN tunnel will consider the geolocation of the VPN server you selected as your real location. And the encrypted data will not fall into the hands of advertisers, hackers and security services.

Estrutura VPN

Tipos de protocolos VPN

VPN security protocols are tools that encrypt data in a VPN tunnel and allow you to maintain user privacy in the open Internet. At the moment, the vast majority of modern VPN services use one of the following three VPN protocols:

  1. IPSec. One of its main advantages is that it is available on most devices and operating systems and provides a high level of security. However, the use of double encapsulation in this protocol may result in a lower connection speed.

  2. OpenVPN. This modern protocol is open source, so third-party manufacturers can improve and update the technology.

  3. WireGuard. Its main advantages are ease of use, high efficiency and low vulnerability to attacks.

In addition to these VPN protocols, there are others (for example, TLS, SSTP, IKEv2), but they are unpopular or do not meet modern data encryption standards.

AdGuard VPN also has its own protocol. One of its advantages is that the traffic transmitted using the AdGuard VPN protocol is difficult to distinguish from the regular traffic. The VPN tunnel looks like normal HTTPS traffic, so it is extremely difficult to detect and block it. In addition, it is based on the mechanisms of the modern HTTP/2 protocol, which ensures high connection speed.

Desvantagens da VPN

Despite the obvious advantages, VPN is not perfect and has some disadvantages:

Velocidade mais baixa

Since your traffic does not go directly to the web server, but first passes through the VPN server, the speed of the VPN connection decreases. Other factors also affect the speed when using a VPN: the load of the VPN server, its bandwidth, the compatibility of the VPN protocol with your operating system. All these factors, as well as the speed of the network itself, may impact the overall user experience of a VPN connection.

Bloqueio de acesso

Some online services make a lot of effort to detect VPN traffic and block access to VPN users. However, not many VPNs can mask themselves in such a way that they are only seen as regular traffic. Therefore, many attempts to go to a particular website without disabling VPN end up in nothing.

Queda das conexões VPN

A weak signal, network overload, VPN incompatibility with a firewall, antivirus and other programs, an outdated VPN protocol — all this can cause a sudden failure in the VPN connection, especially with unreliable VPN providers.

AdGuard VPN

Our VPN service has several important advantages:

  • Proprietary VPN protocol, which works stably even with a slow Internet connection and disguises itself as normal traffic, making it more difficult to track and block it

  • No-logging policy, which means that AdGuard VPN does not collect your personal data and does not transfer it to third parties

  • Mais de 50 servidores VPN em dezenas de países

  • Facilidade de uso e amplas opções de personalização

Currently, AdGuard VPN is available as:

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