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Sending feedback

Report a problem or suggest a feature

If you’ve found a bug in AdGuard VPN for Linux or want to suggest a new feature, here’s how to do it:


If you want to support the implementation of a new feature or bugfix, you can vote for it on GitHub. To vote, just react with some emoji.

Collect and send logs

  1. Enable debug logging by typing:

    adguardvpn-cli config set-debug-logging on

  2. Reproduce the problem and try to remember the exact time it occurred.

  3. Wait a while, then archive the logs in the Downloads or Home folder by typing:

    For Linux

    zip -rj logs.zip ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-~/.local/share}/adguardvpn-cli/*.log

    For Mac

    zip -rj ~/Downloads/logs.zip ~/Library/"Application Support"/adguardvpn-cli/*.log

  4. Send the log file to devteam@adguard.com. Specify the time of the error and attach a link to your GitHub issue or its number (it appears as #number next to the title). Alternatively, you can upload the log file to Google Drive and share it with devteam@adguard.com. Attach the file link to your GitHub issue.

  5. Disable debug logging by typing:

    adguardvpn-cli config set-debug-logging off