AdGuard VPN for PS4/PS5
Use your router to set up AdGuard VPN on PS4/PS5
Pretplatite se
- Select the subscription that works best for you
- Potvrdite svoju adresu e-pošte — trebat će vam za pristup vašem AdGuard računu i dobivanje vjerodajnica
Uzmite svoje vjerodajnice
- In your AdGuard account, select AdGuard VPN
- U odjeljku Uređajikliknite Dodati usmjerivač
- Select the desired VPN server and generate credentials
Set up VPN on your router
- In your router admin page, go to Settings
- Omogućite VPN Client i kliknite Dodati VPN poslužitelj
- Odaberite IPsec/IKEV2
- Enter the credentials created in step 2
- Connect your PlayStation to the router
There you go! Now you are protected by the best VPN for PlayStation. Enjoy fast gaming speed and complete privacy!
Ostale upute
Pet razloga za odabir AdGuard VPN-a
Vlasnički protokol
AdGuard VPN uses a unique VPN protocol that gives you a fast VPN connection and unmatched user security. It’s harder to detect and it’s much quicker than other protocols.
Military-grade encryption
AdGuard VPN koristi AES-256, najjači i najbrži algoritam šifriranja, kako bi osigurao da vaši podaci ostanu šifrirani i zaštićeni od mogućih provala
Više lokacija poslužitelja
AdGuard VPN offers dozens of server locations for secure and fast streaming.
Jamstvo povrata novca
If AdGuard VPN doesn't work for you, don’t worry, we have a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Aplikacije za sve platforme
In addition to AdGuard VPN for PlayStation, we offer apps for multiple platforms including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android to ensure a consistent and secure experience across all your devices.
Protect your PS4/PS5 with our VPN
Nevidljivo i brzo
We have developed our own VPN protocol for you to enjoy fast and anonymous gaming. In addition, our extensive list of VPN servers allows you to change your IP address for better speed when playing on your PS4/PS5.
70+ lokacija
6 continents and dozens of countries. Choose the server with the fastest speed and enjoy your favorite games safely on your PlayStation!
Play & chill
When you think of a perfect night, do you think of playing your favorite games? AdGuard VPN turns into your private PS4/PS5 VPN so you can play any game wherever you are.
Ne sakupljamo zapise
Poštujemo vašu privatnost i dokazujemo je našom politikom nultog logiranja. Ako ne znamo što radiš na internetu, onda nitko ne zna.

- Kada postavite naš VPN na svom PS4/PS5, dobivate šifriranu vezu preko interneta. Omogućuje vam privatnost, sigurnost i pristup mrežnom sadržaju koji želite bez obzira gdje se nalazite. Šifriranje vaših podataka pomaže u sprječavanju curenja DNS-a i štiti vaše online aktivnosti od praćenja ISP-ova.Odaberite VPN poslužitelj koji najbolje odgovara vašim potrebama i preuzimajte igre s bilo kojeg mjesta na svijetu. Uživajte u brzom igranju u potpunoj privatnosti!
- Connect your PlayStation to your router and follow our simple 3-step guide on how to set up AdGuard VPN on routers.
- We offer a free version of AdGuard VPN for Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS that allows you to connect up to 2 devices simultaneously.However, only the paid version of AdGuard VPN can be installed on the router and used for PlayStation.
- Da biste odabrali VPN poslužitelj, prijavite se na svoj AdGuard račun i odaberite mjesto prilikom stvaranja vjerodajnica. Da biste promijenili mjesto poslužitelja, ponovno stvorite vjerodajnice na AdGuard računu za novi poslužitelj i ponovno ih unesite na administratorsku stranicu usmjerivača.