
AdGuard VPN CLI v1.0: Boost up your security with our new product

Something you’ve never seen before is here to impress you with its simplicity and strong level of privacy. After countless hours of hard work we are finally ready to introduce you to our new product. Meet AdGuard VPN CLI! In this article you will find the setup guide and, of course, we will share our future plans with you. Let’s dive right in.

What do we have for you?

CLI stands for “command-line interface”, which means that AdGuard VPN CLI doesn’t have a user interface. You can use it on Linux, macOS, as well as on MIPS and ARM routers. By the way, AdGuard VPN CLI is our first product to be supported on Linux. So we welcome Linux users to install it and enjoy secure and fast Internet connection.


As you can see, all you need to run AdGuard VPN CLI is the terminal.

Get ready to start

You don’t need to be a computer expert to use AdGuard VPN CLI. Since it doesn’t have a user interface, all the settings are done through the terminal. Let us hold your hand and guide you through the first user experience process.

First, to run AdGuard VPN CLI, open the terminal and type in the following command to start the installation process:

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardVPNCLI/master/scripts/release/install.sh | sh -s -- -v

For Beta and Nightly update commands, please check our Knowledge base.

Second, you need to log in or sign up. To do so, please type:

adguardvpn-cli login

Now you are ready to be invisible on the Internet! If you want AdGuard VPN CLI to automatically connect to the fastest server or the last used location, type the following command:

adguardvpn-cli connect

You can also choose the location by yourself from the list. To do so, please type adguardvpn-cli list-locations. After you choose the location type adguardvpn-cli connect -l <location>, where <location> is the city, country, or ISO code of the server location that you’d like to connect to.


That’s it! Now AdGuard VPN CLI is ready to protect your privacy.

To see more commands and available settings, check our Knowledge base.

What does the future bring us?

We have a lot of plans to improve our new product. Among the first few features that we want to implement in the next version are:

  • Exclusions — take traffic under control. Soon our users will be able to add websites to the list of exclusions, so AdGuard VPN CLI will not route their traffic.

  • Bash completion — make it more user friendly. Even if you don’t type the full command, the program will give you the options to specify the necessary command.

  • Script mode for routes — set it up as you wish. Now if you set up AdGuard VPN CLI on your router, all traffic will go through the VPN. We plan to make it more flexible, so there will be a new command. You’ll be able to decide what traffic should and should not pass through AdGuard VPN CLI.

Send your feedback

Since it is AdGuard VPN CLI v1.0 debut, your feedback and feature suggestions would mean the world to us. If you want to help us improve, here’s what you need to do:

  • Fill out the form.
  • Create an issue on GitHub. Before creating the issue, we recommend you to check the repository. Maybe somebody has already found and reported the same problem.

Don’t forget that you can vote for the new features or bug fixes with emojis.

We are always grateful for your support.

Now it is time to install AdGuard VPN CLI v1.0 and experience enhanced privacy firsthand.

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AdGuard VPN pre Mac

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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
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AdGuard VPN
pre Android

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Google Play
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
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AdGuard VPN
pre iOS

Zvýšte svoju online ochranu tým, že si ju vezmete so sebou, kamkoľvek idete. Použite AdGuard VPN na vychutnanie si obľúbených filmov a relácií!
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App Store
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
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AdGuard VPN
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Google Play
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
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AdGuard VPN
pre Chrome

Skryte svoju skutočnú polohu a objavte sa z iného miesta na svete — pristupujte k akémukoľvek obsahu bez obmedzenia rýchlosti a zachovajte si anonymitu webu.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Edge

Dostaňte sa na iné miesto jediným kliknutím, skryte svoju IP adresu a urobte svoje surfovanie po webe bezpečné a anonymné.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Firefox

Chráňte svoje súkromie, skryte svoju skutočnú polohu a rozhodnite sa, kde VPN potrebujete a kde nie!
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Operu

Staňte sa ninjom vo svojom prehliadači Opera: rýchlo sa presuňte do ktorejkoľvek časti sveta a zostaňte bez povšimnutia.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre smerovače

Nainštalujte si AdGuard VPN na Váš router, aby ste zabezpečili celú Vašu sieť. Rozhodnite sa, ktoré zariadenia chcete chrániť a kedy Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
pre Linux

Získajte najlepšiu bezplatnú sieť VPN pre Linux a užívajte si bezproblémové prehliadanie webu, vylepšené zabezpečenie, šifrovanie internetovej prevádzky a ochranu pred DNS únikom. Vyberte si z viacerých VPN serverov a získajte prístup na požadované lokality
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Objavte AdGuard VPN pre Apple TV! Užívajte si bezproblémové streamovanie, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN pre Xbox

Chráňte svoju konzolu Xbox pomocou AdGuard VPN a užívajte si bezproblémové hranie online, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
pre Chromecast

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Sťahovanie AdGuard VPN
Ak chcete spustiť inštaláciu, kliknite na tlačidlo označené šípkou.
Naskenovaním nainštalujte AdGuard VPN do svojho mobilného zariadenia