
AdGuard VPN major update for all platforms and extra 10 GB in March and April

Nothing of this caliber has ever happened in AdGuard! Today we release AdGuard VPN updates for all platforms — for macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, and browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. 7/7, that makes a bingo!

You probably wonder what's new in all these apps and extensions. Let's see.

What's new

Exclusions 2.0

Firstly, now you can not only add websites to exclusions but also choose among the lists of popular services. The lists are divided into eight categories: Social networks, Messengers, Video and Music streaming services, Games, Shopping, Search engines, and Work communication tools. From now on, any of these services can be added to exclusions in one click! It's especially convenient if you use Selective mode where AdGuard VPN is on only for the domains added to exclusions.

This feature is available on all platforms except iOS.

Exclusions 2.0

Secondly, Exclusions lists can be easily configured. If you've added a domain and some of its subdomains, they'll be grouped inside the root one. Also, when adding a root domain (example.com) its mask is added too (*.example.com) — previously, one had to enter it manually, not many users knew about it. If you've added a service, changed or removed something and now want to recover initial settings, don't worry: just press Reset to default next to the domain — this action will restore any missing domains and tick all checkboxes.

Reset to default

Full redesign

Both our apps and website have been redesigned. Perhaps, the visual style of the AdGuard VPN website has changed most: a landscape and many vivid illustrations have appeared there. In apps, all the illustrations and the main screen are new too (except AdGuard VPN for Mac and Windows — the design of the desktop apps will be updated soon). But you can already see what the main screen in AdGuard VPN for iOS looks like:

New design of app main screen

Besides the renewed exclusions and design, we have also found and fixed a lot of bugs and flaws, so AdGuard VPN apps and extensions turned more stable and reliable. Of course, there is always room for improvement and we definitely have things to strive for, but such simultaneous product releases cannot but make us feel happy.

Rising prices and new subscription format

Although prices went up a bit, there is an upside — we offer a new two-year subscription plan, the most cost-effective when you compare prices per month.

New prices:
Monthly subsciption — $11,99
Yearly subscription — $3,99 per month ($47.88 total price)
Two-year subscription — $2,99 per month ($71,76 total price)

Note that if you choose a two-year subscription plan, the price per month will be the same as before the price increase.

Auto-protection in AdGuard VPN for Android

The most noticeable change in AdGuard VPN for Android is Auto-protection. With this feature, you don't have to worry anymore whether your connection is secure at the moment. You can enable it for Wi-Fi, mobile networks or both. Depending on the chosen option, AdGuard VPN will turn on automatically when the device connects to cellular or Wi-Fi networks. For further convenience you can add your Wi-Fi network at home and/or work to the trusted ones, so that Auto-protection doesn't cover them.

Note that Auto-protection is not available in the Compatibility mode and in the SOCKS5 mode.

Custom DNS servers in AdGuard VPN for Mac and Windows

Following the footprints of AdGuard VPN for Android, the desktop apps now also feature DNS filtering. You can add custom DNS servers — choose from the broad selection of popular DNS providers such as Cloudflare DNS. Thanks to the new feature, AdGuard VPN users don't have to be limited to a default DNS server provided by their ISP. We suggest that you try various DNS solutions and choose one that suits you best, as each DNS provider has their perks.

Additional 10 GB to all users

The world is going through a difficult time. There are problems with access to various resources in some countries, and we can't stay away. We're giving all AdGuard VPN users, old and new, extra 10 GB in March and April. You'll have 13 GB of VPN traffic instead of three during both months — so that you can browse freely and get more information.

That seems to be it. Hurry up to update AdGuard VPN and see for yourself how different it has become. Hope you'll like it! As usual, we welcome feedback in whatever format convenient for you — share any thoughts in the comments here or on social media. See you!

Páčil sa vám tento príspevok?
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Windows

Použite akýkoľvek prehliadač alebo aplikáciu a už sa nikdy nemusíte báť o svoju anonymitu. S AdGuard VPN máte celý svet na dosah ruky.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN pre Mac

Stačia dve kliknutia, vyberte si mesto z ktoréhokoľvek kúta sveta — máme 70+ lokalít — a Vaše údaje budú neviditeľné pre zvedavé oči.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Android

Zostaňte v anonymite, nech ste kdekoľvek s AdGuard VPN! Desiatky lokalít, rýchle a spoľahlivé pripojenie — to všetko vo Vašom vrecku.
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Google Play
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre iOS

Zvýšte svoju online ochranu tým, že si ju vezmete so sebou, kamkoľvek idete. Použite AdGuard VPN na vychutnanie si obľúbených filmov a relácií!
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App Store
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Android TV

Vyskúšajte AdGuard VPN pre Android TV! Oceňte jednoduché nastavenia, streamovanie bez prerušení a vylepšenú bezpečnosť.
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Google Play
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Chrome

Skryte svoju skutočnú polohu a objavte sa z iného miesta na svete — pristupujte k akémukoľvek obsahu bez obmedzenia rýchlosti a zachovajte si anonymitu webu.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Edge

Dostaňte sa na iné miesto jediným kliknutím, skryte svoju IP adresu a urobte svoje surfovanie po webe bezpečné a anonymné.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Firefox

Chráňte svoje súkromie, skryte svoju skutočnú polohu a rozhodnite sa, kde VPN potrebujete a kde nie!
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Operu

Staňte sa ninjom vo svojom prehliadači Opera: rýchlo sa presuňte do ktorejkoľvek časti sveta a zostaňte bez povšimnutia.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre smerovače

Nainštalujte si AdGuard VPN na Váš router, aby ste zabezpečili celú Vašu sieť. Rozhodnite sa, ktoré zariadenia chcete chrániť a kedy Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Linux

Získajte najlepšiu bezplatnú sieť VPN pre Linux a užívajte si bezproblémové prehliadanie webu, vylepšené zabezpečenie, šifrovanie internetovej prevádzky a ochranu pred DNS únikom. Vyberte si z viacerých VPN serverov a získajte prístup na požadované lokality
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Apple TV

Objavte AdGuard VPN pre Apple TV! Užívajte si bezproblémové streamovanie, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN pre Xbox

Chráňte svoju konzolu Xbox pomocou AdGuard VPN a užívajte si bezproblémové hranie online, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre PS4/PS5

Chráňte svoj PlayStation pomocou AdGuard VPN a vychutnajte si bezproblémové online hranie, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie. Vyberte si z viacerých serverov VPN a pristupujte k požadovaným lokalitám
Táto funkcia je dostupná len s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Chromecast

Nainštalujte si AdGuard VPN do svojho Google TV (Chromecast Gen 4) alebo do sieťového smerovača (Chromecast Gen 3) a vychutnajte si streamovanie obsahu pomocou Chromecastu, pričom ostaňte anonymný online a pristupujte k obsahu odkiaľkoľvek. Pre Chromecast Gen 3 potrebujete predplatné AdGuard VPN
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Sťahovanie AdGuard VPN
Ak chcete spustiť inštaláciu, kliknite na tlačidlo označené šípkou.
Naskenovaním nainštalujte AdGuard VPN do svojho mobilného zariadenia