
Browsers with built-in VPNs — the new normal? Microsoft bakes a VPN into Edge and turns it on

Microsoft has followed a small group of its competitors in building a VPN service directly into its own browser. The VPN feature, known as “Microsoft Edge Secure Network,” has rolled out to a limited selection of users in the latest Edge Canary version.

While Microsoft has yet to announce its launch, early testers have already got the first glimpse of what the new privacy tool looks like and how it is designed to work. In Canary, the new VPN feature could be found under Settings > Privacy, search and services.

Make no mistake, though: Edge has not come up with its proprietary VPN service. Rather, the new privacy tool is the result of the tech giant’s partnership with Cloudflare. The latter provides a secure server network through which the data is routed. Microsoft began experimenting with the VPN-like service in May, allowing some Canary users to preview it and offer feedback.

Although the Cloudflare-powered VPN service will hide your IP address, encrypt your data, and send it through a secure network (much like a regular VPN), it lacks one important feature users seek in a virtual private network: an ability to bypass geo-block. In the case of Edge’s VPN, you won’t be able to choose any server location you want since your data will automatically be routed through a Cloudflare server near to where you live.

Interestingly, unlike Opera browser, where an in-built VPN has to be enabled manually, a VPN baked into Edge appears to be turned on by default, but only for certain use cases.

In the Optimized (Recommended) mode, the VPN will automatically connect when you’re using public Wi-Fi or browsing unsecured networks and sites lacking a valid HTTP certificate. However, the VPN will not run while you’re streaming or watching videos — so that you can save up on traffic which is capped at a modest 1 GB per month.

Limited traffic allowance won't let you stream

Photo: Steinar Engeland/Unsplash

If you crave more privacy, you can toggle the All Sites mode on, in which case the VPN will be running at all times. But since the traffic cap stays at 1 GB a month, browsing in this mode risks eating up your precious traffic allowance rather quickly.

In the Select Sites mode you can configure the VPN to work only on the sites that you want it to work on. Alternatively, you can specify sites that should always be exempted from the VPN.

It’s also possible to enable the VPN for a site you’re currently browsing by clicking the secure network icon in the Edge toolbar and choosing the Always use VPN for this site option.

Whether Microsoft eventually raises the traffic cap or makes its VPN a “freemium” feature by letting users pay for more GBs remains to be seen. It’s likely we’ll have to wait up until its official release to find out.

To a certain extent, Edge’s VPN feature resembles Apple’s VPN-like tool for Safari browser called Private Relay. The premium tool, unveiled a year ago, is still in beta and is only available to iCloud+ subscribers. Private Relay is not a VPN per se, but aims to protect privacy much in the same way. It stops companies, including Apple itself, from pinpointing your exact location and tracking your browsing history at the same time.

Private Relay routes user requests to access websites (the so-called DNS requests) through two separate internet “relays” or nodes managed by two different companies. The first relay that the data passes through is operated by Apple. Both Apple and your network provider are able to see your IP address, but the request itself is encrypted, meaning that neither the provider nor Apple can see what exactly you want to look up on the internet. The second relay is owned by a third-party content provider and connects you to the site you want to visit. That third-party provider sees the name of the site you open, but not your IP address, which is replaced by a random IP address within your country.

A VPN built into a browser is not a substitute for a full-fledged VPN service. But despite the functionality and traffic limitations of the former (at least in the case of the free Edge VPN) built-in VPNs further user privacy, which we can commend.

It should be noted, however, that many VPN providers, including AdGuard VPN, already offer browser extensions that often come with more advanced features than Edge has to offer. You can install AdGuard VPN Browser extension, it is available for the most popular browsers, including Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

By virtually building a VPN extension into the browser, Microsoft is doing nothing more than trying to promote its VPN. And we find the fact that it is doing it this way rather concerning. In essence, such all-inclusive solutions leave users with no incentive to look for other extensions, as well as for more advanced and perhaps more secure standalone VPN apps. It’s true that it might be convenient for users to stay within one ecosystem without having to search for, install, and configure a VPN. However, this may not be the most secure option.

Also, we must be aware of the risks associated with using the built-in VPN services of Microsoft, Apple, and the like. The tools they so generously offer might protect you from being tracked by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), but there’s no ironclad guarantee that the tech giants themselves won’t try to harvest your data from their products.

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AdGuard VPN
pre Windows

Použite akýkoľvek prehliadač alebo aplikáciu a už sa nikdy nemusíte báť o svoju anonymitu. S AdGuard VPN máte celý svet na dosah ruky.
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AdGuard VPN pre Mac

Stačia dve kliknutia, vyberte si mesto z ktoréhokoľvek kúta sveta — máme 70+ lokalít — a Vaše údaje budú neviditeľné pre zvedavé oči.
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AdGuard VPN
pre Android

Zostaňte v anonymite, nech ste kdekoľvek s AdGuard VPN! Desiatky lokalít, rýchle a spoľahlivé pripojenie — to všetko vo Vašom vrecku.
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Google Play
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
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AdGuard VPN
pre iOS

Zvýšte svoju online ochranu tým, že si ju vezmete so sebou, kamkoľvek idete. Použite AdGuard VPN na vychutnanie si obľúbených filmov a relácií!
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App Store
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Android TV

Vyskúšajte AdGuard VPN pre Android TV! Oceňte jednoduché nastavenia, streamovanie bez prerušení a vylepšenú bezpečnosť.
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Google Play
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
9 332 9332 hodnotení

AdGuard VPN
pre Chrome

Skryte svoju skutočnú polohu a objavte sa z iného miesta na svete — pristupujte k akémukoľvek obsahu bez obmedzenia rýchlosti a zachovajte si anonymitu webu.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Edge

Dostaňte sa na iné miesto jediným kliknutím, skryte svoju IP adresu a urobte svoje surfovanie po webe bezpečné a anonymné.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Firefox

Chráňte svoje súkromie, skryte svoju skutočnú polohu a rozhodnite sa, kde VPN potrebujete a kde nie!
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy

AdGuard VPN
pre Operu

Staňte sa ninjom vo svojom prehliadači Opera: rýchlo sa presuňte do ktorejkoľvek časti sveta a zostaňte bez povšimnutia.
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Stiahnutím programu prijímate podmienky Licenčnej zmluvy
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AdGuard VPN
pre smerovače

Nainštalujte si AdGuard VPN na Váš router, aby ste zabezpečili celú Vašu sieť. Rozhodnite sa, ktoré zariadenia chcete chrániť a kedy Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
pre Linux

Získajte najlepšiu bezplatnú sieť VPN pre Linux a užívajte si bezproblémové prehliadanie webu, vylepšené zabezpečenie, šifrovanie internetovej prevádzky a ochranu pred DNS únikom. Vyberte si z viacerých VPN serverov a získajte prístup na požadované lokality
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AdGuard VPN
pre Apple TV

Objavte AdGuard VPN pre Apple TV! Užívajte si bezproblémové streamovanie, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN pre Xbox

Chráňte svoju konzolu Xbox pomocou AdGuard VPN a užívajte si bezproblémové hranie online, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie Táto možnosť je k dispozícii iba s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
pre PS4/PS5

Chráňte svoj PlayStation pomocou AdGuard VPN a vychutnajte si bezproblémové online hranie, vylepšené zabezpečenie a jednoduché nastavenie. Vyberte si z viacerých serverov VPN a pristupujte k požadovaným lokalitám
Táto funkcia je dostupná len s predplatným AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
pre Chromecast

Nainštalujte si AdGuard VPN do svojho Google TV (Chromecast Gen 4) alebo do sieťového smerovača (Chromecast Gen 3) a vychutnajte si streamovanie obsahu pomocou Chromecastu, pričom ostaňte anonymný online a pristupujte k obsahu odkiaľkoľvek. Pre Chromecast Gen 3 potrebujete predplatné AdGuard VPN
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Sťahovanie AdGuard VPN
Ak chcete spustiť inštaláciu, kliknite na tlačidlo označené šípkou.
Naskenovaním nainštalujte AdGuard VPN do svojho mobilného zariadenia