
Partial AdGuard VPN outage on November 22, 2023

On November 22, 2023, there was a disruption in the AdGuard VPN service that may have caused Internet access issues for a significant number of users. Primarily affected were users in locations such as Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London, and Dallas. We apologize for this outage and would like to provide more information about its causes and the steps we are taking to prevent such issues in the future.

It's always DNS

By default, AdGuard VPN users use AdGuard DNS Non-Filtering as their DNS server.

Why do we do this? The goal is to make you 'less noticeable' among Internet users. Normally, VPN services use the same VPN server as your DNS server. We believe this is not the best tactic, and matching your IP address with your DNS server's address can be a signal of using a VPN. By using a popular public DNS server (such as AdGuard DNS), you are sharing the same server as tens or hundreds of millions of other Internet users.

AdGuard DNS employs rate limiting to restrict the number of requests a user can send to the DNS server. This is a standard tactic to prevent DNS amplification (i.e., using a public DNS server to perform DDOS attacks on a third party). The rate limit is quite low, and some popular AdGuard VPN locations generate more requests than allowed. To work around this problem, we remove the rate limit for VPN servers. AdGuard DNS servers periodically request an updated list of IP addresses for which the rate limit should be disabled. This list is formed by a management service that knows all the IP addresses of all the VPN servers.

On November 22 at 9:14 UTC, a new version of the management service was deployed that contained an error. Due to this mistake, only part of the VPN server addresses were included in the allowed list. The 'busiest' locations (such as Frankfurt and Amsterdam) were immediately limited, and users faced Internet access issues.

The problem was exacerbated by several factors that delayed our understanding of what was happening. Firstly, there were no problems observed in smaller locations. Secondly, users did not immediately realize the nature of their problem. DNS query results are cached by the operating system, so everything seems to work fine for a while, and then a small portion of domains become inaccessible. Some might not have noticed the issue at all.

Finally, to our embarrassment, we had not set up automatic notifications for an increase in the number of DNS errors. Had we noticed this in time, the resolution time would have been significantly shorter. Below, you can see how much more DNS errors were registered in the system during the outage.

Link to DNS error chart

Incident timeline

9:14 UTC: Deployment of the management service fails.
9:30-9:40 UTC: We start getting the first individual complaints from users.
9:40-10:00 UTC: Investigating and searching for the source of the problem.
10:00-10:20 UTC: Preparing a fix in the management service.
10:20-10:30 UTC: Deploying the new version of the management service.
10:30-10:35 UTC: Restart of AdGuard DNS

Follow-up steps

To prevent similar problems in the future, we are taking the following steps:

  1. Automated notifications for increased DNS errors on VPN servers are now set up.
  2. Separate automated tests to check the creation of the exception list for DNS rate limiting have been added to the management service test suite.
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Pokreni AdGuard VPN prilikom pokretanja sustava

Koristite bilo koji preglednik ili aplikaciju i nikada više ne brinite o svojoj anonimnosti. Cijeli svijet vam je na dohvat ruke s AdGuard VPN-om.
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AdGuard VPN
za Mac

In just two clicks, select a city from anywhere in the world — we have 70+ locations — and your data is invisible to prying eyes.
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AdGuard VPN
za Android

Ostanite anonimni gdje god idete s AdGuard VPN-om! Deseci lokacija, brza i pouzdana veza - sve u vašem džepu.
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Google Play
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora
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AdGuard VPN
za iOS

Poboljšajte svoju internetsku zaštitu tako što ćete je ponijeti sa sobom kamo god krenuli. Koristite AdGuard VPN za uživanje u svojim omiljenim filmovima i emisijama!
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App Store
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora
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AdGuard VPN
za Android TV

Otkrijte AdGuard VPN za Android TV! Iskusite besprijekoran streaming, poboljšanu sigurnost i još mnogo toga.
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Google Play
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora
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AdGuard VPN
za Chrome

Sakrijte svoju pravu lokaciju i izađite s drugog mjesta na svijetu - pristupite bilo kojem sadržaju bez ograničenja brzine i sačuvajte anonimnost na webu.
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Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora

AdGuard VPN
za Edge

Jednim klikom dođite na drugo mjesto, sakrijte svoju IP adresu i učinite surfanje webom sigurnim i anonimnim.
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Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora

AdGuard VPN
za Firefox

Zaštitite svoju privatnost, sakrijte svoju stvarnu lokaciju i odlučite gdje vam je potreban VPN, a gdje ne!
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Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora

AdGuard VPN
za Operu

Budite ninja u svom pregledniku Opera: brzo se krećite u bilo koji dio svijeta i ostanite neprimjećeni.
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Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate uvjete Licenčnog ugovora
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AdGuard VPN
za usmjerivače

Instalirajte AdGuard VPN na usmjerivač kako biste zaštitili cijelu mrežu. Odlučite koje uređaje zaštititi i kada Ova je opcija dostupna samo uz pretplatu na AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
za Linux

Get the best free VPN for Linux and enjoy seamless web browsing, enhanced security, Internet traffic encryption, and DNS leak protection. Choose from multiple VPN servers and access the locations you want
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for Apple TV

Discover AdGuard VPN for Apple TV! Enjoy seamless streaming, enhanced security, and easy setup Ova je opcija dostupna samo uz pretplatu na AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN for Xbox

Protect your Xbox with AdGuard VPN and enjoy seamless online gaming, enhanced security, and easy setup Ova je opcija dostupna samo uz pretplatu na AdGuard VPN
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AdGuard VPN
for PS4/PS5

Protect your PlayStation with AdGuard VPN and enjoy seamless online gaming, enhanced security, and easy setup. Choose from multiple VPN servers and access the locations you want
This feature is only available with an AdGuard VPN subscription
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AdGuard VPN
for Chromecast

Install AdGuard VPN on your Google TV (Chromecast Gen 4) or on your network router (Chromecast Gen 3) and enjoy streaming content with Chromecast while staying anonymous online and accessing content from anywhere. For Chromecast Gen 3, you need an AdGuard VPN subscription
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AdGuard VPN
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